Pastor Major Mitchell, IV
Pastor Major Mitchell, IV was born to the late Major Mitchell, III and Mrs. Brenda Mitchell, in the city of Newark, New Jersey. In his early months, his family moved to the city of East Orange, New Jersey, where he also received his formal education.
He became a faithful member of the Holy Temple Church of God in Christ, in the city of Elizabeth, New Jersey, under the leadership of the late Elder Nathaniel Nicholson, where he later accepted the call of salvation during a revival conducted by Elder O.J. Harrison. Thereafter, he received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost during another revival conducted by Elder John Robert Oatman.
Pastor Mitchell served as a drummer for the Holy Temple Combined Choir, Oblation, Men's Joy Ensemble, and the Victory Voices for Christ. He also served as President of the Youth Department, Jr Deacon, and later Ordained as a Deacon on March 18, 2001.
He recognized the calling of God on his life at an early age, but waited for confirmation, which he received from God in the year of 2002. Due to the Calling of Elder Mitchell, he was later licensed to preach the Gospel by the Living Water Family Bible Center Church of God in Christ, in which he served under the leadership of Superintendent William Oatman, III. There, Elder Mitchell served as an associate minister, head of the Evangelist Ministry and Van Ministry.
Pastor Mitchell received a portion of his spiritual education through the Charles Harrison Mason Bible Institute, New Jersey First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God in Christ. Elder Mitchell has been employed by the State of New Jersey Department of Transportation for over 16 years.
In December 2007, Elder Mitchell founded the Emmanuel Temple Church and Pastored there until November 2015. In June of 2015 Elder Mitchell became a faithful member of the Greater Bethel Church of God in Christ, where he served as an Associate Minister, under the leadership of Adjutant Overseer John D. Jones, As well as, District YPWW President of the Seashore District First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction State of New Jersey. After much prayer and direction from God, Pastor Mitchell founded The Ark, Church of God in Christ and held its first service on May 6, 2018
He is married to the love of his life, his best friend, Lady LaVonne Carol Mitchell and is the father of two children, Major Mitchell, V and Johrdan Zachary Mitchell.
With such sermons as, "Don't Panic, Just Remember", "Don't Let Your Past Affect Your Future" and" Tie That Man Up". Elder Mitchell continues to inspire people in all places. Not only does Elder Mitchell preach about the everyday hassles of life, God allows him to also give us a way of escape without compromising holiness!
Pastor Mitchell believes that "change is not change, until it's changed". So, it is the prayer of Elder Mitchell, that the preaching, prayer uttered from his lips be both an outreach and in-reach to all hear, and the spoken Word of God be filled with compassion, Revelation and true deliverance that will change the lives of the people he comes in contact with.